Fall Fun Fest Activities:
1:00-5:00 Festival of Quilts at Fest Building
1:30 Homecoming Parade
9:00-5:00 Festival of Quilts at Fest Building
11:00 Dollars For Scholars Apple Pies
Syttende Mai (Norwegian-American Heritage celebration) Held each weekend the weekend nearest May 17 each year. www.sgsyttendemai.org
Music in the Park: 8 weeks of music in the Viking Memorial park; begins the first week of June each year. www.sgcommclub.org for more information
Summer Musical: Live theatre under the stars at Ye Olde Gray Barn; the third weekend in July each year. yeoldeoperahouse.org for more information
Festival of Quilts: hundreds of quilts for sale and for viewing. First weekend of October each year, coincides with Uff Da Fest Autumn Celebration. www.uffdafest.com for more information
Festival of Trees: Charity fund-raiser event Thanksgiving weekend every year. More details at www.mnfot.org
Fall Fun Fest Activities:
1:00-5:00 Festival of Quilts at Fest Building
1:30 Homecoming Parade
9:00-5:00 Festival of Quilts at Fest Building
11:00 Dollars For Scholars Apple Pies