Houston County Festival of Trees at the Spring Grove Fest Building.
Gala and Live auction on Saturday, November 28! Visit us on Facebook for more details
Syttende Mai (Norwegian-American Heritage celebration) Held each weekend the weekend nearest May 17 each year. www.sgsyttendemai.org
Music in the Park: 8 weeks of music in the Viking Memorial park; begins the first week of June each year. www.sgcommclub.org for more information
Summer Musical: Live theatre under the stars at Ye Olde Gray Barn; the third weekend in July each year. yeoldeoperahouse.org for more information
Festival of Quilts: hundreds of quilts for sale and for viewing. First weekend of October each year, coincides with Uff Da Fest Autumn Celebration. www.uffdafest.com for more information
Festival of Trees: Charity fund-raiser event Thanksgiving weekend every year. More details at www.mnfot.org
Houston County Festival of Trees at the Spring Grove Fest Building.
Gala and Live auction on Saturday, November 28! Visit us on Facebook for more details