In 2023, the City/EDA, School, Chamber, and Spring Grove 2030 began holding community presentations at the Cinema to provide updates on the various initiatives happening in town. You can download the presentations below, or there is also a recording of the November 27, 2023 event available on YouTube.

What is Spring Grove 2030?
Spring Grove 2030 is an initiative led by a group of volunteers representing the school, local government, businesses, faith communities, nonprofit organizations, and more. In May 2021, Spring Grove 2030 began working with planning and design firm RSP Architects to host a series of workshops and surveys asking the community what their dreams are for the future of Spring Grove. Nine community workshops were held between July and September, and surveys were distributed community-wide by mail as well as digitally. Click below to view the findings from this process!
In summer 2022, Spring Grove 2030 was selected to be part of the Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design (CIRD), a leadership initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with the Housing Assistance Council. Focusing on communities with populations of 50,000 or less, CIRD’s goal is to enhance the quality of life and economic vitality of rural America through planning, design, and creative placemaking. CIRD’s team hosted workshops and planning meetings to help the community further refine its vision for a shared space. Renderings were created to demonstrate the possibilities for a multi-functional building with classrooms, an auditorium, and other shared amenities.
Thank you to the hundreds of Spring Grove residents who have shared their valuable insight and ideas in these processes.
If you’re not already on the Spring Grove 2030 mailing list, please leave your information below! Thank you!
Community meeting held at the Syttende Mai Hus in July 2021.
Gathering information at the Spring Grove Farmers Market in summer 2021.
Spring Grove 2030 Board Members
Jessi Strinmoen, Chair
Saundra Solum, Vice Chair
Jacqui VanMinsel, Treasurer
Gina Meinertz, Secretary
Elizabeth Hermeier
Kris Bjerke
Rachel Udstuen
Scott Solberg
Sean Young
Jana Elton (advisor)
Courtney Bergey Swanson (advisor)
Want to get involved? Have questions?
Courtney Bergey Swanson at
Saundra Solum at