Looking to hire? Attend this upcoming Career Fair and Hiring Event!

Attention Houston and Fillmore County Businesses

Are you interested in promoting the career opportunities of your business or organization to area high school students and the public? Are you currently hiring for full-time, part-time, or seasonal workers? Are you interested in establishing an internship? Your company should be at the Annual Bluff Country Collaborative Career Fair and Hiring Event on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 at the La Crescent Area Event Center!

It is free to participate but businesses must RSVP by contacting Allison Wagner, Houston County Economic Development Authority (EDA) Director at EDA@co.houston.mn.us or 507-725-5836. Businesses can set up a booth/table between 8:00-9:00 a.m. The event will end at noon. We are providing a table, chairs, advertisement to the region, including La Crosse and Winona, and an advertisement to high school students. The majority of attendees will be high school juniors and seniors.

Please indicate if possible age restrictions, position type, job description, etc. for your openings and a job application for your company when you RSVP so the information can be shared.

Deadline to RSVP is February 14th, 2025, or when tables are full. Space is limited and registration is first come, first served.

This is a Bluff Country Collaborative (BCC) event. For more information about the BCC visit our website here: http://bluffcountrycollaborative.com/. For more information about the career fair/hiring event or to reserve a free spot for your business, contact Allison Wagner, Houston County EDA Director at EDA@co.houston.mn.us or 507-725-5836.
